Chapter 17

Android 12 and Beyond: The OS Evolution


check Keeping the familiarity of Android

check Letting your phone empower you

check Loving the user experience

check Preparing for the future

As noted in the book’s introduction, I wrote this book using the Android 11 operating system (OS) to explain all the ins and outs of Android smartphones. To get a better look at Android 12 (the next version of the OS), I joined the beta preview group for the OnePlus 9 5G and the Pixel 3XL, and I worked with a technically minded friend to take this chapter’s screen shots on a Pixel.

Exploring beta previews is not for the faint of heart. I don’t recommend that you do so unless you’re a closet tech-nerd who remains unfazed when processes break down (and it’s guaranteed to happen).

Ask yourself this question: How much more do you want your phone to do? I honestly don’t want much more from mine. (I have to work hard to take a bad picture on a smartphone these days). All I want is for my phones to continue getting easier to use.

Update after update happens on any Android phone, and over the course of a ...

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