Based on an analysis of the preceding table, we can create the manifest file for x86vbox. From the preceding table, we can see that we reuse 39 projects from Android-x86 to form the HAL of VirtualBox. Out of these 39 projects, 16 of them are from AOSP and changed by Android-x86. To run our x86vbox device on VirtualBox, we need to create the device x86vbox at device/generic/x86vbox. We also need to change four projects: kernel, bootable/newinstaller, device/generic/common, and frameworks/base.
In the manifest of the x86vbox, we will include the preceding projects for the x86 kernel, HAL, and have modified system/ as well as frameworks/:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <manifest> <remote name="github" revision="refs/tags/android-7.1.1_r4_x86vbox_ch08_r1" ...