The manifest for x86vbox

Based on an analysis of the preceding table, we can create the manifest file for x86vbox. From the preceding table, we can see that we reuse 39 projects from Android-x86 to form the HAL of VirtualBox. Out of these 39 projects, 16 of them are from AOSP and changed by Android-x86. To run our x86vbox device on VirtualBox, we need to create the device x86vbox at device/generic/x86vbox. We also need to change four projects: kernel, bootable/newinstaller, device/generic/common, and frameworks/base.

In the manifest of the x86vbox, we will include the preceding projects for the x86 kernel, HAL, and have modified system/ as well as frameworks/:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <manifest>   <remote  name="github"  revision="refs/tags/android-7.1.1_r4_x86vbox_ch08_r1" ...

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