In Android 7, both the ranchu and goldfish emulators are supported. Let's test the goldfish emulator first. We can run this virtual device in the goldfish emulator using the following command:
$ emulator @a25x86 -verbose -show-kernel -shell -engine classicemulator:Found AVD name 'a25x86'emulator:Found AVD target architecture: x86emulator:Looking for emulator-x86 to emulate 'x86' CPU... kernel.path = /home/roger/android-sdk-linux/system-images/android- 25/default/x86/kernel-qemu...
To monitor the status of a virtual device, we can use the following Android emulator options:
- -verbose: Shows the emulator debug information.
- -show-kernel: Shows kernel debug information.
- -shell: Uses stdio as the command line prompt. ...