Testing the goldfish emulator

In Android 7, both the ranchu and goldfish emulators are supported. Let's test the goldfish emulator first. We can run this virtual device in the goldfish emulator using the following command:

$ emulator @a25x86 -verbose -show-kernel -shell -engine classicemulator:Found AVD name 'a25x86'emulator:Found AVD target architecture: x86emulator:Looking for emulator-x86 to emulate 'x86' CPU...  kernel.path = /home/roger/android-sdk-linux/system-images/android-    25/default/x86/kernel-qemu...  

To monitor the status of a virtual device, we can use the following Android emulator options:

  • -verbose: Shows the emulator debug information.
  • -show-kernel: Shows kernel debug information.
  • -shell: Uses stdio as the command line prompt. ...

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