

$http, 213

$httpBackend, 216

$httpBackend Mock-Objekt, 216

expect(), 220

flush() 220

verifyNoOutstandingExpectation(), 219

verifyNoOutstandingRequest(), 219

when(), 218

$interval, 203

$location, 131

$locationProvider, 128

$q, 311

$routeParams, 148

$routeProvider, 123

$scope, 8

$timeout, 203


AngularJS Direktiven ngApp, 7, 86

ngBind, 84

ngBindTemplate, 84

ngClick, 130

ngController, 65

ngDisabled, 170

ngHide, 162

ngHref, 84, 126

ngInclude, 178

ngInit, 5

ngModel, 2, 171

ngRepeat, 105, 209

ngShow, 162

ngTransclude, 71

AngularJS Hilfsfunktionen

angular.copy(), 144, 145

angular.element(), 195

angular.equals(), 103, 122

angular.extend(), 159

angular.forEach(), 39, 40

angular.isDefined(), 205

angular.isFunction(), 8, 69

angular.isUndefined(), ...

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