

A Bug's Life, 120, 129, 130

Apprentice and master

animation units, 193

Kimball, W.

impressive works, 195

“Super Science Unit”, 194

team, young and old, 194

“Mars and Beyond”, 194195

A Space Odyssey, 10

Assistant animator

creation, animated film, 23f

Gonzales, R., 25f

job, 24

“learn to draw”, 25

rough work, finalization, 25f

timing charts, 24

unique animators

Davidson, R., 27f

Kahl, M., 27

Kimball, W., 2829

Norman, 28f

Thomas, F., 26

at work, 24f


Blumquist, L., cartoon corrections, 15f


animated scene, 1314

animation assistants, 1314

animation students, 13f

Apodaca, R., 17

cartoon corrections, 15f

Charvet, J., 15

Crump, R., 18

Dagenais, T., 20f

description, 13

Gonzales, R., 15, 15f

“inbetweens”, 1314

Jaimes, S., 17

Leslie, ...

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