11New Trends and Supramolecular Approaches in Anion‐Binding Catalysis
María C. Pérez‐Aguilar, Melania Gómez‐Martínez, Jan Kuhlmann and Olga García Mancheño
Westfälische Wilhelms‐Universität Münster, Institute of Organic Chemistry, Corrensstraße 36, D‐48149 Münster,, Germany
11.1 General Introduction
Anion‐binding catalysis is gaining increasing attention in the past few years because of its modularity and capability to be combined with other types of catalysis, which offer new possibilities for discovery. Taking this into account, this chapter aims at giving an overview of some emerging directions of anion‐binding catalysis that are still underrepresented within the existing broad portfolio already described in previous chapters. Hence, this ...
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