© Michael Heap 2016

Michael Heap, Ansible, 10.1007/978-1-4842-1659-0_6

6. Writing Your Own Modules

Michael Heap

(1)Reading, Berkshire, UK

There are modules for all of the common system administration tasks available in Ansible. There are currently 495 modules shipped with Ansible, which is a huge increase over the 141 modules that shipped with it in October 2013.

While writing this chapter, I thought about creating an iptables module, a htpasswd module, and a haproxy module as an example, but Ansible ships with all of these modules already. Instead, we’re going to be creating a wp_user module with which to update user details in a WordPress install using Ansible via WordPress’ RPC API.

About Ansible Modules

All of the core modules in Ansible are developed ...

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