Chapter 23. Ansible Automation Platform
Ansible Automation Platform is a commercial software product offered by Red Hat. Ansible Automation Platform 2 is the next-generation automation platform for the enterprise. It consists of a rearchitected Automation Controller 4, formerly known as Tower/AWX, and the Automation Hub, an on-premises repository for Ansible content that replaces the on-premises Ansible Galaxy. You can curate the Automation Hub to match your organization’s governance policies or simply sync it with community content. Example 23-1 is a file that can be uploaded by the administrator of the Automation Hub (see Figure 23-1). It defines the collections that the Automation Hub will serve on the local network. The Automation Hub needs internet connectivity to download these.
Example 23-1. requirements.yml for community content on Automation Hub
--- collections: # Install collections from Ansible Galaxy. - name: source: - name: ansible.utils source: - name: awx.awx source: - name: community.crypto source: - name: community.docker source: - name: community.general source: - name: community.kubernetes source: ...
You can ...
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