Chapter 10. Callback Plugins
Ansible supports a feature called callback plugins that can perform custom actions in response to Ansible events such as a play starting or a task completing on a host. You can use a callback plugin to do things such as send a Slack message or write an entry to a remote logging server. In fact, the output you see in your terminal when you execute an Ansible playbook is implemented as a callback plugin.
Ansible supports two kinds of callback plugins:
Stdout plugins affect the output displayed to the terminal
Other plugins do things other than change displayed output.
Technically, there are three types of callback plugins, not two:
However, since Ansible’s implementation makes no distinction between notification and aggregate plugins, we combine notification and aggregate plugins into a single category called other plugins.
Stdout Plugins
A stdout plugin controls the format of the output displayed to the terminal. Only a single stdout plugin can be active at a time.
You specify a stdout callback by setting the stdout_callback
parameter in the defaults
section of ansible.cfg. For example, to
select the actionable
[defaults] stdout_callback = actionable
Ansible supports the stdout plugins in Table 10-1.
Name | Description |
actionable |
Show only changed or failed |
debug |
Human-readable stderr and stdout |
default |
Show default output |
dense |
Overwrite output instead ... |
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