Chapter 1. Introducing Ant
1.1 | What is Ant? |
1.2 | What makes Ant so special? |
1.3 | When to use Ant |
1.4 | When not to use Ant |
1.5 | Alternatives to Ant |
1.6 | The ongoing evolution of Ant |
1.7 | Summary |
Welcome to the future of your build process.
This is a book about Ant. It’s more than just a reference book for Ant syntax, it’s a collection of best practices demonstrating how to use Ant to its greatest potential in real-world situations. If used well, you can develop and deliver your software projects better than you have done before.
Let’s start with a simple question: what is Ant?
1.1. What is Ant?
Ant is a build tool, a small program designed to help software teams develop big programs by automating all the drudge-work tasks of compiling code, ...
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