Running the Build File

That completes the build file that runs the JUnit tests in You can see the final version of this file, build.xml in Example 5-1Example 5-1.

Example 5-3. Using Junit ch05/junit/build.xml

<?xml version="1.0" ?> <project default="main"> <property name="message" value="Building the project...." /> <property name="testsOK" value="Tested OK...." /> <property name="src" location="source" /> <property name="output" location="." /> <property name="results" location="results" /> <property name="jars" location="jars" /> <property name="dist" location="user" /> <property name="junit.fork" value="true"/> <target name="main" depends="init, compile, test, compress, deploy"> <echo> ${message} </echo> </target> <target name="init"> <mkdir dir="${output}" /> <mkdir dir="${results}" /> <mkdir dir="${jars}" /> </target> <target name="compile"> <javac srcdir="${src}" destdir="${output}" /> </target> <target name="test" depends="test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6"> <echo> ${testsOK} </echo> </target> <target name="test1" depends="compile"> <java fork="true" classname="junit.textui.TestRunner" classpath="${ant.home}/lib/junit.jar;."> <arg value="org.antbook.Project"/> </java> </target> <target name="test2" depends="compile"> <junit printsummary="yes" errorProperty="test.failed" failureProperty="test.failed" fork="${junit.fork}" haltonfailure="yes"> <formatter type="plain"/> <classpath path="."/> <test todir="${results}" name="org.antbook.Project"/> </junit> <fail ...

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