© Deepak Vohra 2016

Deepak Vohra, Apache HBase Primer, 10.1007/978-1-4842-2424-3_16

16. The HBaseAdmin Class

Deepak Vohra

(1)Apt 105, White Rock, British Columbia, Canada

The org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HBaseAdmin is a Java interface for managing the HBase database table metadata and also for general administrative functions. HBase is used to create, drop, list, enable, and disable tables. HBase is also used to add and drop column families. A HBaseAdmin instance may be created using one of the constructors HBaseAdmin(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration c) or HBaseAdmin(HConnection connection).

HBaseConfiguration conf = new HBaseConfiguration();              conf.set("hbase.master","localhost:60000");              HBaseAdmin admin=new HBaseAdmin(conf);              

An HConnection

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