Serialization and deserialization formats and data types

Serialization and deserialization formats are popularly known as SerDes. Hive allows the framework to read or write data in a particular format. These formats parse the structured or unstructured data bytes stored in HDFS in accordance with the schema definition of Hive tables. Hive provides a set of in-built SerDes and also allows the user to create custom SerDes based on their data definition. These are as follows:

  • LazySimpleSerDe
  • RegexSerDe
  • AvroSerDe
  • OrcSerde
  • ParquetHiveSerDe
  • JSONSerDe
  • CSVSerDe

How to do it…

You can use different types of SerDes for reading or writing the data in a particular format.


This is the default SerDes format of Hive. When a user creates a table in Hive without ...

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