Indexing updates using CSV

At last, we'll now see how we can index CSV data in Solr using Content-Type: text/csv. A sample CSV file has been provided at %SOLR_EXAMPLES/Chapter-4/sampleMusicCatalog.csv, and we can use it to add documents to our musicCatalgoue example.

The following is an example of indexing data using the curl command:

curl 'http://localhost:8983/solr/musicCatalog/update' --data-binary @sampleMusicCatalog.csv -H 'Content-type:application/csv'

In the preceding command, we're telling CSVUpdateHandler to use the first line of the CSV as the header row, which will contain the field name. If the CSV does not have a header row, we can use the header=false parameter, which will tell UpdateHandler that there is no header row present. We ...

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