Debugging Spark applications on YARN or Mesos cluster

When you run a Spark application on YARN, there is an option that you can enable by modifying

YARN_OPTS="-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=4000 $YARN_OPTS"

Now, the remote debugging will be available through port 4000 on your Eclipse or IntelliJ IDE. The second option is by setting the SPARK_SUBMIT_OPTS. You can use either Eclipse or IntelliJ to develop your Spark applications that can be submitted to be executed on remote multinode YARN clusters. What I do is that I create a Maven project on Eclipse or IntelliJ and package my Java or Scala application as a jar file and then submit it as a Spark job. However, in order to attach your IDE such as ...

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