How to do it...

  1. For the Naive Bayes exercise, we use a famous dataset called, which can be obtained from UCI. The dataset was originally introduced in the 1930s by R. Fisher. The set is a multivariate dataset with flower attribute measurements classified into three groups.

In short, by measuring four columns, we attempt to classify a species into one of the three classes of Iris flower (that is, Iris Setosa, Iris Versicolor, Iris Virginica).

We can download the data from here:

The column definition is as follows:

    • Sepal length in cm
    • Sepal width in cm
    • Petal length in cm
    • Petal width in cm
    • Class:
      • -- Iris Setosa => Replace it with 0
      • -- Iris Versicolour => Replace it with 1

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