Appendix E. Sample Apache Log
Apache Server Information Server Settings, mod_so.c, mod_unique_id.c, mod_setenvif.c, mod_usertrack.c, mod_headers.c, mod_expires.c, mod_digest.c, mod_auth_db.c, mod_auth_anon.c, mod_auth.c, mod_access.c, mod_rewrite.c, mod_alias.c, mod_proxy.c, mod_userdir.c, mod_speling.c, mod_actions.c, mod_imap.c, mod_asis.c, mod_cgi.c, mod_dir.c, mod_autoindex.c, mod_include.c, mod_info.c, mod_status.c, mod_negotiation.c, mod_mime.c, mod_mime_magic.c, mod_log_config.c, mod_env.c, http_core.c Server Version: Apache/1.3.0 (Unix) Server Built: Jul 8 1998 13:31:06 API Version: 19980527 Run Mode: standalone User/Group: webuser(1001)/1001 Hostname/port: Daemons: start: 5 min idle: 5 max idle: 10 max: 256 Max Requests: per child: 0 keep alive: on max per connection: 100 Threads: per child: 0 Excess requests: per child: 0 Timeouts: connection: 300 keep-alive: 15 Server Root: /usr/www/site.status Config File: conf/httpd.conf PID File: logs/ Scoreboard File: logs/apache_runtime_status Module Name: mod_so.c Content handlers: none Configuration Phase Participation: Create Server Config Request Phase Participation: none Module Directives: LoadModule - a module name and the name of a shared object file to load it from LoadFile - shared object file or library to load into the server at runtime Current Configuration: Module Name: mod_unique_id.c Content handlers: none Configuration Phase Participation: Child Init Request Phase Participation: ...
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