Chapter 6. What Tools Can I Use to Make My Images Better?
Although it's always wise to take the time to make the best photos possible while shooting, Aperture has a lot of tools that you can use to make your images even better. With a click of a button, setting a few sliders, or applying a few brushstrokes you can optimize your shots and add impact without spending excessive amounts of time on your computer. That way you can make the most of your images and still have time to go about your life!
Reprocessing Masters for Aperture 3
Straightening an Image
Cropping Images
Reducing Red Eye
Using the Adjustments Inspector
Using Quick Brushes
Creating and Using Adjustment Presets
Using an External Editor
Using Third-Party Editing Plug-Ins
Reprocessing Masters for Aperture 3
Apple modified the algorithms it uses in Aperture 3 for better noise processing, sharpening, and highlight recovery with RAW files. However, anytime algorithms change, the appearance of images you've already processed may change when you update them to the new algorithms. Apple realizes that even though the new algorithms enable you to perform some great new functions including selectively brushing adjustments in or out, you may not want the appearance of all your images to change when you upgrade to Aperture 3. Therefore when you upgrade your Aperture or Aperture 2 libraries, the images use their original algorithms by default, ...
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