Connect the Attack Button

The last thing you’ll do in this chapter is write the code that handles the player’s attack routine—in this case, Val’s knife throw—which should happen when the player taps the Attack button.

In the Project Navigator, select the GameScene.swift file and modify the touchDown(:_) method to match the following (you’ll get a message about the missing attack() method, but for now, ignore the error):

 func​ ​touchDown​(atPoint pos : ​CGPoint​) {
 let​ nodeAtPoint = ​atPoint​(pos)
 if​ ​let​ touchedNode = nodeAtPoint ​as?​ ​SKSpriteNode​ {
 if​​starts​(with: ​"controller_"​) == ​true​ {
 let​ direction =​replacingOccurrences​(
  of: ​"controller_"​, with: ​""​)
  player?.​move ...

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