Lesson 18. Fixing, Arranging, and Mixing Music in GarageBand

Lesson Files

ATS iLife11 Book Files > Lesson18 > 01 Fix Timing, 02 Trim and Loop, 03 Groove Track, 04 Flex Time, 05 Name and Icon, 06 Notation Scales, 07 Tempo Scales, 08 Apple Loops, 09 Double Track


This lesson takes approximately 90 minutes to complete. This includes a few extra minutes to download additional Apple Loops, Software Instruments, and effects.


Fix timing in a Software Instrument region

Edit notes in a Software Instrument region

Fix timing in a Real Instrument region

Explore Groove Matching and Flex Time

Change project tempo

Work with Apple Loops

Pan tracks

Transpose regions

Anyone can make great-sounding music with GarageBand ’11. Really! GarageBand ’11 is ...

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