Chapter 4. Creating a Custom Theme

Lesson Files

Lessons > Lesson_04 > 04_Desert_Theme.key

Lessons > Lesson_04 > 04_Desert_Content.key

Lessons > Lesson_04 > 04_Desert_End.key

Lessons > Lesson_04 > Backgrounds

Lessons > Lesson_04 > Theme Images


This lesson takes approximately 60 minutes to complete.


Create a custom theme

Create a slide with a media placeholder

Save and share a theme

Apply a new theme to an existing presentation

Keynote ’09 includes more than 40 Apple-designed themes, but it also lets you customize existing themes or design a new one.

With a custom theme, you can combine a unique set of background images, fonts, colors, shapes, and table and chart styles to create a distinctive look for your slideshow. Whether you’re a company ...

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