I’m excited to present you with Apple Watch For Dummies — your definitive guide to unlocking the power of your smartwatch.
In this book, you find out how to take full advantage of Apple Watch’s many features — all in a language you can understand. You don’t need a degree in electrical engineering to follow along with this book. Whether you’re tech-shy or tech-savvy or perhaps somewhere in between, my goal is to teach you — in plain English — how to master your new gadget.
Apple Watch For Dummies covers all the things you can do with your sleek wrist-mounted companion, ranging from productivity and connectivity features to information, personalization, and navigation; health and fitness applications; entertainment options; and much more. And, of course, this book contains many visual examples of what you can do and what your watch should look like in certain situations.
About This Book
I wrote this book with one focus in mind: to cover all you need to know about Apple Watch in a language you can understand. I break down the geek-speak into street-speak.
After all, technology can be confusing, especially when it’s a brand-new product like Apple Watch. Therefore, consider this book your definitive guide to unlocking Apple Watch’s capabilities. Kind of like with our brains, it’s estimated we use only about 10 percent of what our consumer electronics products can do — whether it’s a computer, smartphone, tablet, TV, or camera — so it’s my modus operandi to fill your ...
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