
Application Switcher


tell app "Application Switcher"
   set palette's orientation to vertical -- programs are displayed top to bottom
end tell

Dictionary commands


This launches the application if it isn’t running and is the same as double-clicking its icon.


This command quits Application Switcher, releasing its memory resources.

Dictionary classes


This class represents the Application Switcher application. It has the following five properties, which can be accessed simply by referring to them within a:

tell app "Application Switcher"

block, as in:

tell app "Application Switcher" to set palette's button ordering to¬ alphabetical

palette (window object)

This property returns as a window object the palette that displays all the running programs. You can then alter the palette’s properties, as in:

set palette's position to upper left

For example, you can show only the program icons in the palette (so that it does not take up very much room on the screen) with the following code:

tell app "Application Switcher" to set palette's names visible¬ to false
keyboard cycling active (boolean)

This is a true/false value indicating whether you can use the keyboard combination, Command-Tab or otherwise, to switch from one open program to another. See “cycling keystroke” for how to set your own keyboard combination for this cycling behavior.

cycling keystroke (keystroke object)

You can set the keyboard combination for cycling through open programs (each program will become ...

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