


tell app "Colorsync Extension"
   (* embed ICC profile referred to by the variable profFile in the image 
file represented by variable jpegImage *)
   embed jpegImage with source profFile
end tell

The following commands and classes derive from ColorSync Extension Version 3.0, which is installed with Mac OS 9.

Dictionary commands


This opens the ColorSync application as an invisible or faceless background application (i.e., one that doesn’t have a graphical user interface).


This quits the ColorSync Extension application.

open object reference

This opens an image to inspect its profile (see the Examples section). This command returns a reference to the opened image.

save object reference

This command saves an image file with a new ICC profile, for instance.

in alias

This provides an alias file path for saving the image file.

close object reference

This closes an image file, as in:

close imgFile saving in alias "Macintosh HD:Desktop¬ Folder:cowgirl2.jpg"
saving yes/no

If you have embedded a new ICC profile in an image file, you probably would want to:

close imgFile saving yes

As you might have guessed, this code saves the image file before the script closes it; you can close the file without a save with the saving no parameter.

saving in alias

This saves an open object in an alias file before closing it:

close imgFile saving in¬
(alias "macintosh hd:desktop folder:cowgirl.jpg")
embed alias

This command embeds an image with an ICC profile from the System ...

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