Application Development Using the Versata Logic Suite for WebSphere

Book description

Patterns for e-business are a group of proven, reusable assets that can help speed the process of developing applications. This IBM Redbooks publication demonstrates a method of developing and managing the business logic in the self-service business pattern (formerly known as the user-to-business pattern).

The book describes the process of developing a stock trading application, based on the IBM Trade benchmark, using business logic rules to automate the construction and interaction of the transactional (EJB) components. It demonstrates substantially enhancing the business logic of the application through rule changes.

Two methods of constructing the presentation layer of the application are examined. The first uses Versata presentation automation techniques. The second adopts the Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework of the existing IBM Trade application.

The book demonstrates how to use the JSPs, servlets, and Java beans of the existing Trade application to interface to the EJB-based business logic and explains the role of the runtime Versata logic services installed into the WebSphere Application Server.

Please note that the additional material referenced in the text is not available from IBM.

Table of contents

  1. Notices
    1. Trademarks
  2. Preface
    1. The team that wrote this redbook
    2. Become a published author
    3. Comments welcome
  3. Chapter 1: Overview of self-service pattern
    1. Patterns, defined
    2. IBM Patterns for e-business
      1. Business patterns
      2. Using patterns for e-business
    3. Self-service business pattern
      1. Self-service application patterns
    4. Self-service pattern and the Trade application
  4. Chapter 2: Trade application overview
    1. Trade application functionality
      1. Trade client design using MVC
      2. Multiple runtime modes
    2. Versata: a new option
    3. Details of the Trade EJB implementation
      1. Database schema
      2. Container managed EJBs
      3. Use of copy helper access beans
      4. Basic business logic in Trade
    4. Potential enhancements to Trade business logic
  5. Chapter 3: Business logic automation using rules
    1. Scenarios for automating WebSphere applications
    2. Design and runtime environment
    3. Transaction rules for automated business logic
      1. Example of a rule
      2. Characteristics of rules
      3. Rules and EJB domains
      4. Classification of declarative logic (rules)
    4. Business uses of rules
    5. What the Versata Logic Suite is not
  6. Chapter 4: Architecture of the Versata Logic Server within WebSphere
    1. What the Versata Logic Server is, and how it works
    2. Managing the Versata Logic Server in WebSphere
    3. Versata business objects
    4. Versata Logic Server classes
      1. Persistence as a layer in the server MVC
      2. Rule-enabled objects as WebSphere components
      3. ResultSet access and just-in-time object instantiation
    5. Looking to the future: EJB 2.0 and JCA
      1. EJB 2.0: Container Managed Relationships (CMR)
      2. EJB 2.0: local interfaces
      3. Java Connector Architecture (JCA)
      4. Other J2EE standards used by the logic server
      5. Recap of the Versata logic services
  7. Chapter 5: Rule-based development
    1. Introducing Versata Studio Business Logic Designer
      1. Project approaches and roles
      2. Versata repository
    2. Step 1: Importing an object model
    3. Step 2: Adding relationship rules
    4. Step 3: Identifying additional rules (1/2)
    5. Step 3: Identifying additional rules (2/2)
    6. Review of the steps
  8. Chapter 6: Designing an HTML client application
    1. Versata Presentation Designer
    2. Overview of the completed application
      1. Login page
      2. Home page
      3. QuoteBuy page
      4. Portfolio page
      5. Profile page
    3. Beginning application design
      1. Choosing the application style
      2. Archetypes: a brief overview
      3. Designing the Home page (1/2)
      4. Designing the Home page (2/2)
      5. Designing the QuoteBuy page (1/2)
      6. Designing the QuoteBuy page (2/2)
      7. Creating the Portfolio page
      8. Creating the Profile page
    4. Completing the application design
  9. Chapter 7: Deploying the TradeX application
    1. Business object deployment
    2. Database deployment
      1. Setting up an ODBC Data Source Name (DSN)
    3. Reviewing or setting the data server
    4. Granting access to TradeX users
    5. Client application deployment
    6. Executing deployed applications
    7. Generating business and application logic reports
  10. Chapter 8: Enhancing TradeX business logic
    1. New requirements
    2. The TradeXv2 repository
      1. Requirement 1: Sell partial holdings (1/3)
      2. Requirement 1: Sell partial holdings (2/3)
      3. Requirement 1: Sell partial holdings (3/3)
      4. Requirement 2: Customize rules based on account type
      5. Requirement 3: Calculate commissions based on account type
      6. Requirement 4: Limit margin selling
    3. Modified client application using new business logic
      1. Capability 1: Creating QueryObjects
    4. The TradeXv2 application
    5. Concluding the TradeX extended business logic
  11. Chapter 9: Integrating the IBM Trade2 client
    1. Method 1: Using the Versata client libraries
      1. The TradeAltAccess class from IBM
      2. Changes to TradeAltAccess to accommodate Versata
      4. The TradeVFC buy() method
      5. The TradeVFC getPortfolio() method
    2. Method 2: Utilizing EJB interfaces
    3. Alternative for JSP access: Versata JSP Toolkit
      1. Supported functionality
      2. Tag library overview
    4. Conclusion
  12. Chapter 10: Integrating Versata Logic Suite with WebSphere Studio Application Developer
    1. Introduction
      1. WebSphere Studio Application Developer
      2. Integrated testing with WebSphere Application Server
    2. Versata Logic Server within WSAD
      1. Preparing Versata application for import into WSAD
      2. Importing applications into WSAD (1/3)
      3. Importing applications into WSAD (2/3)
      4. Importing applications into WSAD (3/3)
      5. Configuring the server to test the application
      6. Running and debugging the application
    3. Importing modified application into Versata
      1. Exporting the application from WSAD
      2. Import the application into the repository
  13. Chapter 11: Developing with UML and rules
    1. UML and the Rational Unified Process
    2. RUP phases and iterations
      1. Versata and the Inception phase
      2. Versata and the Elaboration phase (1/2)
      3. Versata and the Elaboration phase (2/2)
      4. Versata and the Construction phase
      5. Versata and the Transition phase
    3. Conclusion: Rule-based design and development
  14. Chapter 12: A Versata Case Study: American Management Systems
    1. The technical decision process
    2. The Versata decision
    3. The project
      1. The team
      2. The application
      3. A specific look at performance
      4. System architecture
      5. The schedule
      6. Development/deployment issues
    4. The bottom line and the future
  15. Appendix A: Benchmark results
    1. Benchmark configuration
    2. Results
    3. Extrapolation to extended Trade2 logic
  16. Appendix B: Additional material
    1. Locating the Web material
    2. Using the Web material
      1. System requirements for downloading the Web material
      2. How to use the Web material
  17. Related publications
    1. IBM Redbooks
    2. Referenced Web sites
    3. How to get IBM Redbooks
      1. IBM Redbooks collections
  18. Index (1/2)
  19. Index (2/2)
  20. Back cover

Product information

  • Title: Application Development Using the Versata Logic Suite for WebSphere
  • Author(s): Joe DeCarlo, Jackie McAlexander, Wilbert Kho
  • Release date: December 2002
  • Publisher(s): IBM Redbooks
  • ISBN: None