Activity:Optimizing a Deep Learning Model

In this activity, we implement different optimization strategies to the model created in Chapter 5, Model Architecture (bitcoin_lstm_v0). That model achieves a MAPE performance on the complete denormalization test set of about 8.4 percent. We will try to reduce that gap.

  1. Using your terminal, start a TensorBoard instance by executing the following command:
      $ cd ./chapter_3/activity_7/      $ tensorboard --logdir=logs/ 
  1. Open the URL that appears on the screen and leave that browser tab open, as well. Also, start a Jupyter Notebook instance with:
       $ jupyter notebook

Open the URL that appears in a different browser window.

  1. Now, open the Jupyter Notebook called Activity_7_Optimizing_a_deep_ learning_model.ipynb ...

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