

Absolute Price model 30–33


elasticities and 19

as a property of Hicksian demands 15

as a property of Marshallian demand function 8–9

aggregate level data 66–68

aggregation 20–22, 81–82

agricultural insurance 124–158

AIDS (almost ideal demand system) 3, 44–54

Aigner, D.J. 106

Akaike Information Criterion 111

Allen, R.G.D. 19

Allen-Uzawa Elasticity 19, 20, 80

almost ideal demand system (AIDS) 3, 44–54

Alson, J.M. 44

Alston, J.M. 25, 45

Archimedean copulas 144–145, 152–153

Asche, F. 45

Atkinson, S.E. 106


Banks, J. 46

Barnett, W.A. 30, 32, 36, 44, 46

Barten, A.P. 29, 36

Battese, G.E. 104, 108, 109, 111

Becker, G.S. 75

Berry, S. 3

Blackorby, C. 19, 20

Blundell, R.W. 46

Boles, J.N. 125

Botts, R.R. 125

Brester, G.W. 24

Burr distribution ...

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