Index of Applications in Examples and Exercises
Amino acid composition of soybean meal
Anaerobic respiration
Cholesterol level
Glucose level
Body mass index (BMI)
Body temperature
Cellular replication
Circumference of orange trees
Deceased beetles under autolysis and putrefaction
Diet and weight loss
Disease in plants
Dugongs (sea cows) length
Fatty acid in margarine
Gene expression
Gene occurrence
Gene sequences
Grain quality
Height of plants
Height or weight of people
Insect fragments in chocolate bars
IQ for monozygotic twins
Leaf transmutation
Leg strength
Light-dependent photosynthesis
Nisin recovery
Pesticides and grape infestation
Potato spoilage
in Livestock feed
in Milk
from Peanut milk
Protopectin content in tomatoes
Rat muscle
Rat tumors
Exercises 4-143, 8-31, 11-8, 11-30, 11-46
Exercises 8-36, 8-66, 8-76, 9-147, 9-113
Exercises 2-25, 2-192, 3-13, 3-147
Exercises 4-44, 4-66, 5-64, 6-30, 6-37, 6-46, 6-63, 6-73, 9-68
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