2Detection and Analysis of Botnet Attacks Using Machine Learning Techniques
Supriya Raheja
Amity University, Noida, India
2.1 Introduction
Internet access is now considered to be a basic requirement for everyone. The age of cloud computing, which allows users to access and store data over the cloud, is currently upon us. A public, private, and hybrid shared lake of computing resources, such as storage, services, servers, networks, and applications, is what cloud computing represents. It enables convenient, on‐demand network access from anywhere. These services can be delivered swiftly and with the least amount of managerial work. The threat of various attacks carried out by harmful software is there nowadays for devices that are linked to the internet. Access to the cloud servers is possible. The more cloud computing is used, the more cyberattacks there will be thanks to the internet.
One of the most significant threats to online security is the botnet. The phrase “botnet,” which combines the terms “Bot” and “Network,” refers to a collection of hacked, infected, internet‐connected devices that are under the direction of a person known as the “Botmaster” or “Botterder.” Through a command‐and‐control server, the botmaster can remotely manipulate these infected devices. Because botnets enable a one‐to‐many interaction between the command‐and‐control server and the bots, the botmaster uses them for things like advertising and cyberattacks. As soon as a device is infected with malicious ...
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