
by Jeromy Murphy, AIA RAS


Hotels are the original mixed-use facility, combining entertainment, dining, business, and retail facilities with guest sleeping rooms. The hospitality industry is constantly innovating to provide an improved or unique experience for their guests.

Each of the different areas of a transient lodging facility is subject to its applicable section of the ADA Standards. For instance, a restaurant within a hotel is treated no differently from a standalone restaurant; a sundry shop in the lobby is treated like any other convenience store.

What is transient lodging? Transient lodging includes hotels, motels, boarding houses, and other facilities where short-term sleeping accommodations are provided. Facilities that provide long-term housing, such as apartments or retirement communities, are not considered to be transient lodging. The definition also excludes hospitals, prisons, and small facilities such as a bed & breakfasts if they are occupied by the proprietor and have no more than five rooms. Hospitals, prisons, and residential facilities are covered by other sections of the standards and other chapters of this book. Unlike residential facilities where alterations can be made to accommodate a specific resident with a disability within a specific apartment at the time the dwelling unit is occupied, transient lodging facilities must provide accessible guest rooms in anticipation of the need.

Dormitories at a university should be regarded ...

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