

Accelerated alpha particle tests, 62–63
Accelerated neutron tests, 63–66
monoenergetic neutron beam, 64
proton beam, 65
white neutron beam, 63
Active load address buffer (ALAB), 234–235
Alpha ISA, 152
Alpha particle, 20
accelerated tests, 62–63
architectural fault models for, 30–31
contamination, 2
impact on circuit elements, 45
interaction with silicon crystals, 26
soft errors due to, 63
Alpha radiation, 21
AMD’s Opteron processor, 133, 187
AN codes, 182–183, 315–316
Application-level recovery, 315
Architectural ACE bits, 90
Architectural ACE versus un-ACE paths, 91
Architectural derating factor, 80
Architecturally correct execution:
instruction per cycle (IPC) of, 101
principles, 90

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