Evil Genius™ Series

Arduino + Android Projects for the Evil Genius

Bike, Scooter, and Chopper Projects for the Evil Genius

Bionics for the Evil Genius: 25 Build-it-Yourself Projects

Electronic Circuits for the Evil Genius, Second Edition: 64 Lessons with Projects

Electronic Gadgets for the Evil Genius: 28 Build-it-Yourself Projects

Electronic Sensors for the Evil Genius: 54 Electrifying Projects

15 Dangerously Mad Projects for the Evil Genius

50 Awesome Auto Projects for the Evil Genius

50 Green Projects for the Evil Genius

50 Model Rocket Projects for the Evil Genius

51 High-Tech Practical Jokes for the Evil Genius

46 Science Fair Projects for the Evil Genius

Fuel Cell Projects for the Evil Genius

Holography Projects for the Evil Genius

Mechatronics ...

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