© Neil Cameron 2019
Neil CameronArduino Appliedhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3960-5_5

5. 7-Segment LED Display

Neil Cameron1 
Edinburgh, UK
../images/471900_1_En_5_Chapter/471900_1_En_5_Figa_HTML.jpgNumbers and characters displayed on electronic devices use modules of seven LEDs with an eighth LED for the decimal point. Conventions for labelling the LEDs are a, b, … g or A, B, … G, with the decimal point denoted P or DP. There are 10 pins on the 7-segment display with pins 1 to 5 corresponding to LEDs e, d, common, c, and P with pins 6 to 10 mapping to LEDs b, a, common, f, and g. The two common pins, 3 and 8, are connected to a common cathode or common anode (see Figure 5-1).
Figure 5-1

7-segment LED ...

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