© Neil Cameron 2019
Neil CameronArduino Appliedhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3960-5_7

7. 8×8 Dot Matrix Display

Neil Cameron1 
Edinburgh, UK
../images/471900_1_En_7_Chapter/471900_1_En_7_Figa_HTML.jpgThe 8×8 dot matrix consists of 64 LEDs with 16 pins corresponding to eight columns of anodes and eight rows of cathodes. The label on one side of an 8×8 dot matrix display usually indicates the side containing pins 1 to 8 (left to right) with the other side containing pins 9 to 16 (right to left), as shown in Figure 7-1.
Figure 7-1

Pin numbering of 8x8 dot matrix display

Each 8×8 dot matrix has a specific column-row ...

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