
Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking a link to get to the indexed material.

Note: Page numbers for figures and tables are shown in italics.

“”, 209

<, 24

}, 209

., 215–216

:, 209

::, 211

{, 209

/, 20

/<<, 192

<>, 209

//, 21

     HelloWorld, 56

/&, 192

/*, 20

     HelloWorld, 56

#, 207

1.0.5 IDE, 138

1N4001, 104

1N4148, 122, 130

3-to-1 timing ratio, 161

4N26 optoisolator, 144, 151

     isolating Arduino from transmitter, 194, 194

6-pin Mini-DIN, 174

7-to-1 ratio, 155

10-bit device, 113

10K pot:

     adjusting, 52

     installing, 39

16-pin header, soldering, 44–45, 44, 45

24AWG, 84, 106

30 dB,

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