Chapter 9

Building an RFID Tag Reader

In This Chapter

arrow Understanding RFID

arrow Building your own RFID shield

arrow Programming an RFID reader

arrow Connecting your shield to other projects with a relay

If you’re reading this book, you’ve probably heard of radio frequency ID (RFID) tags and know that they are used for tracking things like packages and small inanimate objects. They can also identify animate objects, such as pets, cattle, and even people! In addition to things like inventory control and security, RFID also serves as a quick and easy mechanism for handling small secure payments and other simple transactions.

You can easily get your Arduino to read RFID tags and act upon the unique ID that is encoded on them. In this chapter, you find out about a few of the different kinds of RFID systems and how they work. You use an Arduino to control an RFID reader module and respond to the information it spits out when a tag is brought near the reader. With this knowledge, you can add RFID to just about anything, including other projects in this book, such as the keypad entry system in Chapter 8

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