© Norman Dunbar 2020
N. DunbarArduino Software Internalshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5790-6_8

8. ATmega328P Hardware: Timers and Counters

Norman Dunbar1 
Rawdon, West Yorkshire, UK

This chapter and the next look at the hardware features of the ATmega328P and should link up with the information presented in Chapters 2 and 3. You should, I hope, see how the Arduino Language talks to the hardware described in these chapters. This chapter starts by looking, long and hard, at the facilities of the ATmega’s timer/counters, while the following chapter delves into the ADC and serial communications hardware, the USART.

8.1 Timer/Counters

The Atmega328P has a total of three timer/counters named Timer/counter 0, Timer/counter 1, and Timer/counter 2. ...

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