
images A

AAA battery pack, 179

ADMP401, 178

Alarm, bag. See Bag alarm

Alkaline battery, 48

Alligator clips, 63

Analog pins, 4142

Angry rabbit

ATtiny board traces, 305

codes, 299301

pressure sensor, 296299

soldering, 302

stuffing, 302

Arduino hardware

ATmega 328 chip, 3233

board layout

analog pins, 4142

Arduino Uno board, 36

digital pins, 4041

external power, 4245

LilyPad Simple board, 37

power pins, 42

USB Connector, 3739

connection traces, 3132


basic concepts, 45

batteries, 4748

battery connectors, 4850

voltage, current, and resistance, 4647

fan and a battery, 3435

IRFZ24 transistor, 3334

testing, 5051

Arduino software, ...

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