Chapter 5. Authentication and Authorization
Included as part of the standard platform deployment, Argo CD contains a default management user providing unrestricted access to configure the platform using either the user interface or via the API/CLI. By providing this functionality out of the box, it simplifies the getting started experience and enables end users to realize the capabilities provided by Argo CD and the concepts embraced by GitOps methodologies.
As adoption grows beyond a single individual managing and utilizing Argo CD, there becomes a need to support additional users aside from a single elevated management user along with integrating with a centralized user management system, such as LDAP or a compatible OIDC provider. While at the same time, when providing the capability to support additional users, there must also be a way to define and govern the level of access that each entity is entitled to.
In this chapter, we will explore how users are managed in Argo CD including where ...
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