Chapter 10. Upgrading EOS

Upgrading Arista’s Extensible Operating System (EOS) is a simple process. In a nutshell, get the software image onto the switch, configure the switch to see the new image, and then reboot the switch. Let’s begin by taking a look at the current version of EOS on a 7280R-48C6 switch by using the show version command:

Arista#sho ver
Arista DCS-7280SR-48C6-M-F
Hardware version:    21.05
Serial number:       SSJ17290598
System MAC address:  2899.3abe.9f92

Software image version: 4.19.5M
Architecture:           i386
Internal build version: 4.19.5M-7506183.4195M
Internal build ID:      ef83948c-6c45-4097-9d8b-a78a4722d49a

Uptime:                 3 minutes
Total memory:           32463792 kB
Free memory:            30178840 kB

We can see from this output that our switch is running EOS version 4.19.5M.


Once again, check out the model number in the first line of output, which reads DCS-7280SR-48C6-M-F. The “-F” indicates that this switch shipped with front-to-rear airflow fans. If the model number had “-R” appended to it, the fans would be rear-to-front. Cool, huh? Well, I think it is, but then, little things like this excite me. The “-M” indicates that this switch has expanded memory (32 GB). The “SR” means that this is an Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP)-based (S) switch with advanced routing (R) capabilities. The “48C6” means there are 48 front-panel SFP interfaces along with six 100 Gb (C) interfaces.

If we felt like poking around further where we don’t belong (and who doesn’t?), we could use the show version detail ...

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