3Sampling Creativity

Material Sampling and Cultural Citation

Premise: This chapter explores the principles of material sampling and cultural citation. It explains how both form part of creative production in art and media design.

Figure 3.1 Still from Everything is a Remix (2011), documentary by Kirby Ferguson. Screenshots from Game of Death (1978), director Robert Clouse, and Kill Bill 1 (2003/4), director Quentin Tarantino.

Figure 3.1 Still from Everything is a Remix (2011), documentary by Kirby Ferguson. Screenshots from Game of Death (1978), director Robert Clouse, and Kill Bill 1 (2003/4), director Quentin Tarantino.

Material sampling consists of taking an object or part of an object to repurpose it in a new context. A material sample holds value because it is recognized as a pre-existing thing, or a fragment of a pre-existing object ...

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