Appendix 1 A Chronology of AI

In our proposed timeline of AI history (Table A1.1), phases of armed conflict and important political events are highlighted (shaded rows and columns).

Table A1.1. A chronology of AI dates and milestones

Milestones in AI history Year Country
Start of World War I1 1914
End of World War I 1918
Play by Karel Čapek, R.U.R. (introduces the term “robot”) 1921 Czechoslovakia
Beginning of the USSR (December 30, 1922) 1922 USSR
Metropolis movie, whose heroine is a female humanoid robot 1927 Germany
Design of Japan’s first “robot”, Gakutensoku 1929 Japan
Beginning of World War II 1939
American scientists W. McCulloch and W. Pitts attempted to create an artificial algorithm of neurons 1943 United States
End of World War II 1945
Beginning of the First Indochina War (December 19, 1946) 1946 Indochina
Norbert Wiener published his book Cybernetics: Or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine (the first public use of the term cybernetics) 1948 United States
Dominique Dubarle published in the newspaper Le Monde the article “Vers la machine à gouverner”, devoted to cybernetics (after Wiener) (December 28, 1948) 1948 France
Edmund Berkeley published his book Giant Brains: Or Machines That Think (in which he compares early calculators to human brains) 1949 United States
Start of the Korean War (June 25, 1950) 1950 Korea
Turing’s test. Article “Computing Machinery and Intelligence”2 (published in the ...

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