Chapter 6

Automating Common Processes


check Using AI to meet human needs

check Making industry more efficient

check Developing dynamic safety protocols using AI

Chapter 5 considers the use of AI in an application, which is a situation in which a human interacts with the AI in some meaningful way, even if the human is unaware of the presence of the AI. The goal is to help humans do something faster, easier, more efficiently, or to meet some other need. A process that includes an AI is different because the AI is now working to assist a human or perform some other task without direct intervention. The first section of this chapter addresses how processes help humans. Given that boredom is possibly the worst-case human scenario (just think of all the negative things that happen when humans are bored), this chapter views the AI process for humans from a boredom perspective.

One of the longest uses of AI in a process is industrial utilization. Consider all the robots that now power the factories across the world. Even though AI-powered automation replaces humans, it also keeps humans safer by performing tasks generally considered dangerous. Oddly enough, one of the most significant issues ...

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