Chapter 7

Using AI to Address Medical Needs


check Monitoring patients more effectively

check Assisting humans in various tasks

check Analyzing patient needs

check Performing surgery and other tasks by medical professionals

Medicine is complicated. There is a reason why it can take 15 or more years to train a doctor depending on specialty (see for details). By the time the school system packs a doctor with enough information to nearly burst, most other people have already been in the job force for 11 years (given that most will stop with an associate’s or bachelor’s degree). Meanwhile, the creation of new technologies, approaches, and so on all conspire to make the task even more complex. At some point, it becomes impossible for any one person to become proficient in even a narrow specialty. Of course, this is a prime reason that an irreplaceable human requires consistent, logical, and unbiased help in the form of an AI. The process begins by helping the doctor monitor patients (as described in the first section this chapter) in ways that ...

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