Reactive power (or reactive volt-amperes) is a specifi c phenomenon occurring in
an alternative current (AC) system. This kind of power does no real work for the
electricity consumers but plays a very important role in power system engineering.
Since the impedances of the network components are predominantly reactive, the
transmission of real power requires a difference in voltage phase angle between
the sending and receiving points, whereas the transmission of reactive power
requires a difference in voltage magnitudes of these two adjacent buses, which
are usually restricted to a 5-percent margin. Hence, to stay within the voltage
limits, transmission of reactive power doesn’t reach very far and is regarded as
local [1].
Reactive power is consumed not only by most of the network elements which
are passive but also by most of the consumer loads, predominantly caused by
induction motors [2, 3]. So, reactive power must be supplied somehow, either by
passive or active elements at power systems.
Overhead lines, depending on the load current, either absorb or supply reactive
power. At loads transmitted along the line below the natural (surge impedance)
load, lines produce net reactive power; at loads above the natural load, lines absorb
reactive power (see 6.2.1.A). Underground cables, owing to their high capacitance,
have high natural loads; they are always loaded below their natural loads, and
hence generate reactive power under all operating conditions [2]. Transformers
always absorb reactive power regardless of their loading; at zero load, the shunt
magnetizing reactance effects predominate while at full load, the series leakage
inductance effects predominate [2].
*This chapter has been written with assistance from Chira Achayuthakan
318 Artifi cial Intelligence in Power System Optimization
Compensating devices, which are active elements, are usually added to supply
or absorb reactive power and thereby control the system voltage in the desired
manner balancing reactive power. This chapter begins with the discussing the
essence of reactive power in power systems and continues with optimal reactive
power dispatch methodologies: in both conventional and deregulated electricity
In the context of power systems, transferring power from sources to loads makes
the passive elements of the network either consume reactive power from or inject
it into the system which is also the case with parts of the load themselves. With the
restriction of reactive power to travel from afar sources, compensation of reactive
power to such passive elements or reactive loads highly depends on local reactive
sources. As the reactive compensation requirements change over time, the reactive
devices should be controllable—so called active elements.
6.2.1 Reactive Power with Passive Elements
For power system analysis, most of the passive elements in a network are modeled
by admittance matrix. The simple network model of a two bus system may help
understand the phenomena of reactive power fl ow in a passive network system.
This section explains some key terms of surge impedance load (SIL) and steady
state voltage stability.
A. Surge Impedance Load (SIL)
The fundamental concept of SIL or natural load can be found in many textbooks
[2, 4, 5, 6]. SIL is a conventional analytical model explaining the reactive power-
related system characteristics. The term SIL is usually reserved for the special case
of lossless line [6]. SIL can be formulated as V
, where V is the rated voltage, Z
BX /
(pure resistive), X is the line reactance and B is the line susceptance, see
Fig. 6.1. Most approaches deriving SIL involve an ordinary differential equation.
Put in simple terms, it means that SIL is critical dependent on the load side when
production of reactive power equals consumption, V
B = I
X, and that Z
= V/I
BX /
[4]. In this case, the load level constituting a balance of inductive and
capacitive effects (netted out) is called SIL [7]. Firstly, SIL cancels out reactive
power required by the network, secondly, voltage and current profi les become
uniform (fl at) along the line [4]. A uniform voltage profi le is especially desirable
as it allows the voltage to be held near the maximum value.

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