Chapter 3Prediction of Cumulative Number of Software Failures

3.1 Introduction

In today’s society, many commercial and government organizations use software projects in order to increase their efficiency and effectiveness. Software exists starting from a simple system like mobile to highly complex and safety critical system like air traffic control and nuclear reactor plants. As the use of software is increasing, the impact of software failures are also increasing on human life. The consequences of failures may lead to loss of life or economic loss. So, the software professionals need to develop not only functionally attractive but also safe and reliable software systems. Software reliability is defined as the probability of failure-free operation of a computer program in a specified environment for a specified time. Reliability of software can be measured in terms of failures which are departure of program operation from program requirements. The software reliability is characterized as a function of failures experienced with respect to operational time. Software reliability models describe number of failures in a given time as a random process.

Software engineers can measure or forecast software reliability using software reliability models. In real software development process, budget and time are limited. Software reliability models help to develop reliable software under given time and budget constraints through measurement of reliability and better utilization of resources. ...

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