8.2. Design

It is relatively easy to create an e-mail message and send it to a recipient using the .NET Framework. The following few lines of code will accomplish that:

//Add the following using directive to the beginning of the file
//using System.Net.Mail;

SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient("");

MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(new MailAddress("from@PoweredByV2.com"),                                   new MailAddress("to@hotmail.com"));
mail.Subject = "test";
mail.Body = "test";

8.2.1. SmtpClient Class

The SmtpClient class represents the object that handles sending a message. When you create the SmtpClient object, you set the SMTP server's address so the system knows where to relay the message. You can also pass in a port number to the constructor if needed or set the Port property after the object is created. The following table provides a short description of all the properties for the SmtpClient class.

ClientCertificatesSpecifies which certificates should be used to establish the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection
CredentialsGets or sets the credentials used to authenticate the sender
DeliveryMethodSpecifies how outgoing e-mail messages will be handled
EnableSslSpecifies whether the SmtpClient uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to encrypt the connection
HostGets or sets the name or IP address of the host used for SMTP transactions
PickupDirectoryLocationGets or sets the folder where applications save e-mail messages to be processed by the local SMTP server
Port ...

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