How to do it...

  1. Let's install Git from
  2. Choose Use Git from the Windows Command Prompt.
  3. Let's create an ASP.NET empty application:
  4. We install JSPM through the console/Command Prompt by typing the following:
npm install jspm -g
-g allows us install this module globally, which means we can open a Command Prompt from anywhere and typing jspm will be recognized and usable.
  1. To configure JSPM, let's open a Command Prompt window, and place ourselves in the project directory using the cd command.
  2. Now let's type the following:
jspm init
  1. Now we have to answer a set of questions.

The following question will be asked only if package.json doesn't exist:

Package.json file does not exist, create it? [yes]

The JSPM configuration ...

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