Modifying Configuration Settings

The most important part of configuration for the web developer is, of course, understanding how to modify the configuration files to achieve the desired ends. Unfortunately, in the first release of the .NET Framework and Visual Studio .NET, there aren’t any rich GUI tools for editing configuration files (which sounds like a great third-party opportunity). As a result, editing configuration files is not terribly straightforward. The next several examples illustrate the basic techniques for editing web.config files.

Remember that ASP.NET configuration files follow XML syntax rules, including case-sensitivity of element and attribute names. Element and attribute names in ASP.NET configuration files typically use camel casing, in which the first letter of the initial word is lowercase and the first letter of each subsequent word is uppercase.

Also note that some (but not all) attribute values are case sensitive. While this case sensitivity is specific to the ASP.NET implementation rather than to XML, it’s still a good idea to follow the case used in the examples when modifying configuration files.

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