Neo-Vaishnavite Movement in Assam
A social reform movement, the Bhakti movement, was started all over India from 12th to 15th century CE, influencing Assam. Amidst political turmoil in 15th century Assam, ruled by various chieftains like Kachari, Chutia, Bhuyan, Kamata king etc. brought chaos in the socioreligious fabric. The followers of Hinduism basically worshipped Sakti. Tantrism was at its highest peak during this period. With this background, Sankardeva emerged as a spiritual leader and prolific writer, starting the neo-Vaishnava movement known as eka-sarana-nam-dharma. This movement emphasized devotion to a single god, Lord Vishnu or Krishna, and was inclusive of all castes and creeds, uniting the diverse population of ...
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